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高 三 英 语 试 题





第四部分  书面表达(共两节,满分45分)

第一节  阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


Five years ago this month I founded Parenting Pathways.In celebration of my 5-year-old child.I offer My Top 5 Pieces of Parenting Advice(in no particular order.)

1.There is no such thing as perfect.Struggling for perfection is a road to nowhere. Stop! Expecting perfection from your child is a mistake.Perfection is relative,and it doesn’t really exist. Children need to be taught to struggle for satisfaction.

2. Prepare the child for the path and not the path for the child.You don’t get to create a world that works for your child;you need to prepare your child for the world.Removing the stones from her way won’t enable your child to walk life’s path. It is by allowing your child to deal with obstacles in her way that you prepare her for life.And experience is her best teacher.

3.a child who has not been bandaged has not been well parented.Children need to struggle。sometimes fall down.They need to get hurt,and they need to learn to pick themselves up…with the support of a loving parent.It is through such struggle thin children learn they can survive the  bruises(伤痕)—and how to do it differently or better next time.

4 .One careless Yes fuels a child through a thousand no’s.Especially with young children who have elephant-1ike memories,stick to your principles.If one Thursday , six months ago,you gave in to your child’s begging and               right before dinner.He will remember it and keep asking you for a cookie every day before dinner! Don’t compromise.No means no !

5.Be the person you want your child to be.Even though you don’t believe it now,the apple really doesn’t fall too far from the tree.Your child is watching you all the time;he is absorbing what you say and what you don’t say,how you react,how you treat people , how you behave. Modeling is a powerful teacher.

76.Why does the author think it necessary for a child to suffer some kind of struggles?(no more than 15 words.)

77.Fill in the blank with proper words .(no more than 5 words.)

78.What’s the probable meaning of the underlined word “compromise”?(no more than 3 words.)

79.In the sentence “the apple really doesn’t fall too far from the tree .” what or who do“the apple” and “the tree” refer to?

“The apple” refers to                                ;

“The tree” refers to                                  .

80.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

第二节  写作(30分)






Dear Brooke.


Li Hua

