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Part 1 Vocabulary

1. Two men are ______________(帮助)the police in their enquires.

2. You will be _______________(要求)to assist Mrs Smith in preparing a report.

3. Take two of the t_________________three times daily before meals.

4. I have no o _________________ to discuss it with her.

5. Decide what you want to do, don’t just i________________ others.

6. He’s clever at i________________________ his friends.

7. The house was built in i_________________ of the Roman villa.

8. A new factory is to be l______________________ in the city center.

9. The manager i____________________ on his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records.

10. His first speech as president made a strong i_________________ on his audience.

11. Applicants for the job must have p_____________________ experience.

12. He’s _______________(连续不断)disturbing me.

13. I ____________(提醒)her how much the fare was.

14. This song r____________ me of China.

15. You can’t be the m_______________ of your own fate.

Part 2 Useful Phrases

1. 接受我的奖励_______________________________________________

2. 感到神经过敏和心神不安________________________________________

3. 使我们感到昏昏欲睡___________________________________________

4. 剩下很少的氧气______________________________________________

5. 立刻,马上______________________________________________

6. 领取由电脑控制的气垫车________________________________________

7. 消失,看不见___________________________________________

8. 打扫,横扫_______________________________________________

9. 突然看见_________________________________________

10. 由公司组织的一些参观________________________________________

11. 对未来有乐观的态度________________________________________

12. 寻找新的世界_____________________________________________

13. 帮助发现行星______________________________________________

14. 凝固_______________________________________________

15. 有可能_______________________________________________

