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开心语法大讲堂:second & two的一些常见习语



【摘要】精品学习网小编编辑整理了开心语法大讲堂:second & two的一些常见习语,供广大同学们在暑假期间,复习本门课程,希望能帮助同学们加深记忆,巩固学过的知识!


get a second 得第二名

He got a second in the race. 他在赛跑中得第二名。

settle for second best 退一步求其次

The department store did not have exactly what I wanted, so I had to settle for the second best. 百货公司没有完全合乎我需要的东西,所以我只好退而求其次。

on second thoughts 经过重新考虑

On second thoughts, maybe I won't apply for the job after all. 转念一想,也许我根本不会申请这份工作。

without a second thought 毫不犹豫

He dismissed the rumor without a second thought. 他毫不犹豫地不屑理会那些谣言。 [在这一习用语中须有a,thought 也须是单数]


two bites of / at the cherry 两次尝试;两次机会

One is not given two bites at the cherry in the world of business. 在商界中机不可失,时不再来。

two hearts 有二心,不真诚

Take care. That woman is a person of two hearts. 当心,那女人表里不一。

in / by twos and threes 三三两两地

The audience went out of the lecture hall in twos and threes. 听众三三两两地走出讲座大厅。

____________, I tore them up and threw them away.

A. Without a second thought

B. Without a second thoughts

C. Without second thought

D. Without second thoughts



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