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人教版高二英语上册第二单元知识点:News media





(1).目的状语:通常有不定式表示,由于不定式的客观性和将来性特征。不定式前还可加上in order,so as来加强说话的口气。但so as to通常不用于句首。

The Smiths have gone to London to spend their holidays.

I came here (in order/so as) to hear the report.

In order to(不用so as to) see better, we took front seats.


Arriving (=When he arrived) at the bus stop, he found his sister there.

Waiting (=When I was waiting) to see the doctor, I met with a friend of mine.

Having (=When we have) made full preparations, we are ready for an examination.

Having (=When he had) finished his homework, he went to bed.

After finishing his homework, he went to bed.

Seen (=When the town is seen) from the hill, the town looks more beautiful.

Locked (=When he was looked) up in the room, he found himself isolated from the outer world.

When asked to make a speech, he said he was glad to do so.

Once recovered, he went all out to do his work.

(3).原因状语:不定式作原因状语往往用于形容词之后,这些形容词通常是happy, sorry, fortunate, angry, glad, ashamed, discouraged, delighted, frightened, shocked等。分词作原因状语相当于原因状语从句。一般位于句首。

I am sorry to hear that you are not well.

I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting so long.

We are greatly delighted to have a native as our guide.

Being (=Since he was) ill all last year, he lived in a sanatorium.

There being no enough money, he couldn't buy the dictionary that he wanted.

Having (=Since they had) been asked to stay, they couldn't possibly leave right away.

Moved (=As he was moved) by the heroic deeds of the PLA man, he burst into tears.


Turning (=If you turn) to the left,you will see the post office.

United (=If we are united), we stand; divided (=if we are divided), we fall.

Given (=If he had been given) more time, he would be able to do better.

(5).结果状语从句:不定式作结果状语通常用于so+形容词或副词+as to,such+名词+as to,too…to,enough to和only to等结构。


He arrived late to find the train gone.

I worked late into the night, only to find I had not finished half of the job.

He was so friendly as to be always helpful to his neighbours.

His is such a sad story as to arouse out sympathy。

I ran faster than ever, reaching the schoolyard quite out of breath.

The man died young, leaving nothing but debt.


Though wounded, the soldier managed to get to the village safely.

Though warned of the danger, he still went skating on the thin ice.


Chinese businessmen, taxi drivers and students talk with them using English.

She came running towards us.

They walked along the streets, talking and laughing.

He went into the house, followed by some children.

He continued to walk up and down, lost in thought.

