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“We don’t sell miracles here. I can’t 9  you,” said the pharmacist (药剂师).

There was a well-dressed man who was in the store. He  10  and asked, “What kind of a miracle does your brother need?”

“Sorry, I just know he’s really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. 11  my family can’t pay for it, so I have my money,” Sally answered, 12  coming down her cheek.

“How much do you have?” asked the man. “A dollar and eleven cents,” Sally answered, 13  . “Well, what a coincidence (巧合) ,” smiled the man. “A dollar and eleven cents is the exact price of a(n) 14  to save your little brother.” He took her money and said, “ 15  me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. ”

That man was a 16  surgeon (外科医生) , specializing in treating Georgie’s illness. The operation was completed without 17  and it wasn’t long until Georgie was home again and doing well. “That  18  ,”Sally’s mommy said, “is like a miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost.”

Sally smiled. She knew 19   how much a miracle cost … plus the 20  of a little child.

1.A.sick B.little C.upset D.hungry 2.A.common B.complex C.expensive D.easy 3.A.buy B.afford C.stand D.hold 4.A.gladly B.surprisingly C.hopefully D.desperately 5.A.pulled B.threw C.broke D.pushed 6.A.turned B.shook C.handed D.put 7.A.slept B.wandered C.slipped D.rushed 8.A.clothes B.drug C.food D.book 9.A.help B.cure C.give D.persuade 10.A.sat down B.went on C.bent down D.looked up 11.A.But B.While C.Supposing D.So 12.A.smiles B.tears C.fear D.sorrow 13.A.nervously B.carefully C.proudly D.calmly 14.A.medicine B.injection C.piggy-bank D.miracle 15.A.Take B.Drove C.Point D.Invite 16.A.well-behaved B.good-mannered C.well-known D.good-looking 17.A.trouble B.difficulty C.question D.charge 18.A.pharmacist B.doctor C.accident D.surgery 19.A.properly B.exactly C.really D.never 20.A.honesty B.confidence C.faith D.cleverness


The disappearance of the famous crime writer, Agatha Christie, was as mysterious as any of her exciting stories.

At about 11 o’ clock on the evening of Friday, December 3rd in 1926, Mrs. Christie got into her car and took a drive   1   saying where she was going. She didn’t return. The next morning her car was found without   2   driver at Newlands.

People imagined that she might   3   (kill) herself.   4   as the days went by, it was suggested that she was murdered. The press and the public  5    (natural) took great interest in the case, with at least one newspaper   6   (offer) a reward to anyone who could find Mrs. Christie.

Agatha finally   7   (find) alive on Tuesday, December 14th, when she was reunited with her husband at a hotel in Harrogate, North Yorkshire,   8   was around 50 kilometers away from her car.   9   was said that, for ten days, the writer had been staying at the hotel under the name of Mrs. Theresa Neele. Her husband said, “She has suffered from the most complete   10   (lose) of memory and I do not think she knows who she is.”

第四部分 写作 (共两节 满分30)


Dear Ms Smith,

