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Text 1

M: Did you remember to correct those figures? They still look the same.

W: Yes, I changed them. Just look at the next page. You’ll see.

Text 2

M: Where do you want me to drop you off?

W: Right here is fine.

Text 3

W: I read in the newspaper that the novel you are reading is excellent.

M: I’ve also read some negative reviews, though.

Text 4

M: Hi, Amelia. Is that a new jacket? It looks really warm, perfect for our skiing trip.

W: Thanks, Jon! That is exactly why I got it. I can’t wait to see if it is waterproof, too.

Text 5

M: I’ve got two tickets to the opera on Saturday night. Would you like to go?

W: Nothing interests me less than opera. I think it would be better for you to ask someone else who would actually enjoy it.

Text 6

W: I find it harder to say “no” than “yes”.

M: Me, too. I think most people do. When we are at home relaxing and our friends ask us for help, we usually agree, even if we don’t want to.

W: I know. Many people say “yes” to these kinds of requests. People tend not to consider their own interests and feelings, but they are often angry with themselves afterwards.

M: That’s true. Saying “no” requires courage and considerable practice, as people are afraid of losing the friendship of the person asking for help.

W: But, in fact, rejecting a request can sometimes help a relationship last longer.

M: Yes, I agree. It is better to say “no” sometimes.

Text 7

M: Excuse me. I’m staying in Room 514. I’m free this afternoon, so I’d like to go to a park or something. What would you suggest?

W: Uh... Wrigley Field on a sunny day like today is nice.

M: Wrigley Field? Don’t people play baseball there?

W: That’s right. In fact, there’s a game at 4:00.

M: Great! How do I get there?

W: Walk north for one block to the subway station. You can take the subway straight there.

M: Well, the game starts in one hour, so I’d better go now. Thanks for your help!

W: No problem. Have a good time!

Text 8

W: Excuse me, are you going somewhere or are you meeting someone?

M: I’m on my way to Washington. What about you?

W: I’m going to San Francisco.

M: Really? I think San Francisco is probably the most exciting place in the U.S.

W: So do I. No other city has as many good restaurants or as much good music.

M: Is San Francisco your hometown?

W: No, I’m from a very small town in Pennsylvania. I don’t want to live there anymore, though. I don’t like small town life very much.

M: Yeah, neither do I, really. But small towns have their advantages, like less traffic.

W: And friendly people. You know, I’m actually beginning to feel a little homesick. By the way, where are you from?

M: Washington.

W: You mean the capital?

M: That’s right! Oh, it’s time for my flight. Well, nice talking with you.

W: You, too. Bye.

Text 9

W: Hello, Pasadena Hotel. How may I direct your call?

M: I’d like to speak to someone about reservations.

W: I can help you with that. When are you arriving?

M: We’ll be arriving on May 12th, and I’d like to reserve the presidential suite.

W: Oh, I’m sorry, sir. I only handle bookings for our standard rooms. The person you need to speak with is Tony Parker. He makes all the arrangements for our special accounts. Unfortunately, he’s not here right now. Can I take down your name and number and have him get

M: When do you expect him back in?

W: He’ll be out all afternoon, so he might not be able to return your call until tomorrow. Will that be all right?

M: Yes, I suppose. My name is Sam Darcy. He can contact me at 6608- 4332.

W: Could you please spell your last name for me?

M: Sure. It’s D-A-R-C-Y.

W: Okay, Mr. Darcy, and your phone number is 6608-4332. I’ll have Tony call you first thing tomorrow morning.

Text 10

I always wanted to be good at something. I was only a B student. I didn’t have any girlfriends and I didn’t have a job. But the summer after I graduated from high school, I decided that I would try my hardest and learn how to play basketball. I woke up every day at 5:00 a.m. to run and do other exercises. Then, I went to the local gym where many people played basketball every day. I played with those guys from 9:00 a.m. until noon every day for two months. I got better really quickly since I put all my effort into my training. I even asked the other guys to help me. Sonny was a tall guy who taught me how to shoot, and Skip Higgins was a short guy who taught me how to handle the ball well. I’m not going to make the college team this year or anything crazy like that, but I do think all the hard effort paid off. Now, I’m a great basketball player and my body is in top shape, too.





