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I was recently reminded of something my mother told me when she and my father moved out of my childhood home in the suburbs (郊区). They     1      into a home on a large farm. I spoke with her on the phone the day they moved the     2     bit of furniture out of the house and were about to leave that house.

I could     3     the way it must have looked:     4     and cold. I thought about my old     5    . It wouldn’t be my bedroom anymore,     6    I had not lived there for some time. I     7     the markings (记号) on the closet wall downstairs where my dad would mark off how     8     each of us five kids had grown on our birthdays. I thought about the place where my dad had     9    each of us five kids up and asked us to place our feet in the     10     concrete (混凝土) wall, leaving our footprints.

There were a lot of     11    in that house, memories of five kids growing up, moving out, and     12     back. Lots of laughter, a few    13   . I asked my mom how she     14     about moving out now that the day had finally     15    . I asked her if she would miss our     16    . Mom said that she     17     she could take the closet wall with her, with all those markings on it.

As for the house, she said that once they got all of their things out of there,     18     the pictures, and moved the furniture out, it took out the personality of the place. All that was     19     was just a house, not a home anymore. She said they would take all the memories and the love of family to the     20    house and those are what truly make a home!

1. A. looked   B. moved    C. knocked   D. broke

2. A. first      B. most    C. small     D. last

3. A. decide     B. recognize    C. make    D. picture

4. A. comfortable  B. beautiful      C. interesting    D. empty

5. A. bedroom   B. closet     C. house    D. marking

6. A. as if    B. so that      C. even though  D. ever since

7. A. thought about  B. looked over    C. cleaned up    D. dealt with

8. A. tall     B. fast    C. well      D. old

9. A. given     B. picked    C. divided    D. dressed

10. A. hard    B. strong    C. heavy    D. wet

11. A. moments    B. dreams   C. memories   D. aims

12. A. taking    B. coming   C. turning    D. sending

13. A. tears   B. feelings     C. songs    D. impressions

14. A. knew   B. felt    C. talked    D. worried

15. A. arrived    B. passed       C. flew     D. appointed

16. A. home     B. community    C. neighbors   D. relationship

17. A. challenged    B. wished    C. demanded   D. realized

18. A. put up    B. gave away    C. turned down    D. took down

19. A. gone     B. left     C. enjoyed   D. shared

20. A. new      B. simple    C. fantastic    D. magic





