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M:Great.And what does Fiji look like?

W:It has beautiful beaches,palm trees and...

M:And the people.What are the people like?

W:Really friendly.

M:That’s great.You’re very sunburnt.

W:Yes,I know.I’ve spent much time in the sun.




(Text 7)

W:Do you ever eat fast food?

M:Yes,yes,I do.

W:What kind of fast food do you normally eat?

M:Oh,you know,hamburgers,sandwiches,well,sometimes a pizza.

W:Well,right.And how often do you eat fast food?Every day,more than once a week or less than once a week?

M:Well,Monday to Friday when I’m working,every day,um,but not usu ally on weekends.

W:And when do you eat fast food of the day?

M:Oh,at work as I said,you know at lunchtime.Sometimes you know,if I’m g oing out and I’ve no time to cook in the evening then I’ll send out for a pizza.

W:And what do you think of the fast food?Is it convenient?

M:Sure,that’s sort of the ma in reason that I eat it.We’re paying for the convenience;you know the speed of it.

W:Right.How about “It tastes good”?

M:Yeah,I mean not as good as food in a good restaurant,but it’s not bad.

(Text 8)

M:Hello,Mary,it’s me,Mike.Am I calling at a bad time?

W:No,not really.

M:I have invited some of my friends to dinner at my hou se this evening.I thought maybe you’d like to come,too.

W:Well,that sounds good,but I’m afraid I’ve got to do some reading for my English course.

M:Today is Friday.You’ve got to relax and enjoy yourself at the weekend.

W:I know.But there is a lot of reading to do.Besides,I really ought to do my washing this evening.

M:Then would you like to come just for a drink later on instead?

W:Actually,I’d like to go to bed early tonight.I’m a bit tired.

M:All right.Have a good rest.I’ll call you again tomorrow.

W:Don’t call me early.I usually sleep until eleven on Saturdays.

