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11. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Old schoolmates.

B. High school life.

C. A company meeting.

12. What did Sally try to show her friends?

A. She was very happy.

B. She was interested in Simon.

C. She was successful in business.

13. What do we know about Simon Fox?

A. He enjoys parties.

B. He likes the woman.

C. He is Sally’s husband.


14. When is the report due?

A. Today. B. Tomorrow. C. In three weeks.

15. How does the woman sound?

A. Sorry. B. Unhappy. C. Interested.

16. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Sister and brother.

B. Teacher and students.

C. Boss and employee.


17. What is the meeting about?

A. Hiring new teachers.

B. Running a new school.

C. Moving to a new campus.

18. What does the speaker say about Agriculture students?

A. They need bigger places.

B. They will stay where they are.

C. They will have their labs ready in a week.

19. What is the plan for the History Department?

A. The teacher will move later.

B. Everybody will stay in the old building.

C. The students will move to the Law Building.

20. Who will be in the downtown building?

A. Arts students. B. Law students. C. Engineering students.

