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七年级英语阅读:Way of foot and hand



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WHAT do you do after you've finished your homework? Want to try an activity that is healthy, fun and exciting? Try tae kwon do (跆拳道). The World Tae Kwon Do Championships are going on in Beijing now. Watch and you'll learn something about this popular sport.

Self-defence, exercise, fun

TAE kwon do is a martial art (武术). It comes from South Korea, but is popular around the world.

In Korean, tae (跆) means "to kick or strike with the foot"; kwon (拳) means "fist, or to strike with the hand"; and do (道) means "way". So, tae kwon do can be seen as "the way of the foot and hand". Tae kwon do mixes everything together: skills, self-defense (自卫), sport, exercise, fun, and philosophy.

Tae kwon do is a really popular sport. It has millions of followers in nations all over the world — both kids and adults (成年人), men and women.u

Tae kwon do was formally (正式地) named in 1955. It became an Olympic sport in the year 2000.

The culture of tae kwon do

TAE kwon do bases itself on eastern philosophy. It puts harmony (和谐) in human life in first place. This can be seen in the tae kwon do costume (道服).

Each part of the costume has a special meaning. The trousers mean the Earth. The belt stands for man. The upper clothing means heaven (天). The belt - a circle - means the circuit (巡回) of human life between heaven and earth. The clothes' white color stands for purity of heart and peace.

What the belts mean

1. White: This is the belt worn by beginners.

2. Yellow: This is the color of the sun. It stands for the birth of new energy in a learner. The learner is getting to know some of the basics (基础) of the sport.

3. Green: This is the color of living plants. This belt shows that the learner is making progress (进步).

4. Blue: This color refers to the sky. It means that the learner is reaching higher, like a plant growing towards the sky.

Black: Black is the opposite of white. It means that the learner has great skills. It also says that the learner will never be beaten by darkness.

5. Red: It is the color of danger. The learner should keep in mind that tae kwon do is for staying healthy and for self-defense (自卫), not for attacking others. He or she should learn to control his or her movements in practice.

6. There are nine Dan degrees (段位) for learners wearing black belts.

Zhou Jingwei, 13, Beijing

When I first saw tae kwon do on TV I fell in love with it. I decided to study the sport. I was surprised by the power of the kicks when I first started training. I thought, "How do they kick so high, higher even than their own heads?" But I made progress quickly. During my first lesson I learned things it takes others weeks to get.vMy coach praised me because I learned so quickly.

Xiao Xiao, 13, Beijing

I have practised tae kwon do for about three years. After every practice I feel relaxed. Students cry out after each move. The pressures and unhappiness of school are gone with that cry. I plan to study another two years to get the black belt. But I don't talk about it to my classmates. I think tae kwon do is a boy's thing. I want to be a "good girl" in their eyes.


Your turn: comparison

Find out the differences between tae kwon do and Chinese kungfu.

精品学习网为大家整理的七年级英语阅读:Way of foot and hand就到这里,同学们一定要认真阅读,希望对大家的学习和生活有所帮助。


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