



Unit 2 Tinting has been popular for over eighty years.


Knowledge objective

Key vocabulary:

orange-and-white, ugly, schoolbag, lead, clever, as, heaven, expect, artist, invent, copy,

black-and-white, own, private, create, satisfy

Key structures—win the heart of, ever since, lead against

Ability objective

To get information about cartoons.

To master the three tense.

Moral objective

To know more about other person’s opinion and splendid culture in the world.


1.To learn some expressions in the passage.

2.To learn three kinds of tenses.


1. To get information from the article.

2. The use of “win the heart of”.


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1  Warming up

Work in pairs. Answer the questions about the cartoon characters.

Which of them do you know?

Which of them do you like? Why?

Give the pictures about the cartoon characters on page 36, and show some new words.

Step 2  New words

Look and say. The teachers shows the pictures of new words.

Step 3  Reading

1. Read the passage and choose a sentence that best summarizes it.

2. Read the passage again and finish the following tasks.

一、本课以卡通为话题,介绍了5 个著名的卡通形象,它们分别是________ _________________________________。

二、课文共有4 个自然段,请选出各段的大意,并把字母编号填写在横线上。

A. a cute dog that lives in his private world

B. a favourite cartoon hero, and he works for a newspaper

C. he is the hero of Havoc in Heaven

D. two cartoon heroes are popular with young people all over the world

1. 第一段: _______  2. 第二段: _______

3. 第三段: _______  4. 第四段: _______


(   )1. Nemo and Shrek are green animals.

(   )2. The Monkey King has celebrated his 60th birthday.

(   )3. The Monkey King is brave, humorous and clever.

(   )4. An artist invented Tintin in the 1980s.

(   )5. Snoopy and his friends satisfy older people and children.

3. Complete the notes.

Step 4   Language points

To learn about the main points in the passage.

Step 5  Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box

Read the sentences carefully.

Choose the right words to fill in the blanks.

Step 6  Exercises

Let the students practice the main points in Unit 2.

Step 7  中考链接

Do some exercises from the entrance exam to senior high schools.

Step 8  Written task

1. Write down the name of your favorite cartoon. Then answer the questions.

1) What is it about?

2) Who is in it?

3) Why do you like it?

2. Now write a passage using your answers.





