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新学期七年级英语二单元教案:Is this your pencil?




Step 1 Revision

1. Ask a group to act out the dialogues from Page 26 with books. If desired, ask another group to act without books.

2. Check hoework. Get some students to read and act Ex. 3 in Wb Lesson 21.

Step 2 Presentation

Hold up a bag and ask What’s this? It’ s a bag.Hold up two bags and say What are these ? They’re bags.

Repeat with a pen/ pens, a book/ books,a box/boxes,etc.

Now get the class to ask and answer both questions ---What’s this ? What’re these?

Make sure that they pronounce the plural forms correctly. Add /z/for banana, bag and pen,/s/for book and /iz/for box and bus. Also they should pronounce the ds in birds as one sound/dz/ not /d+z/.

Step 3 Practice

Chain drill . Call out several students to demonstrate.

A:What are these ?(Holding up two pens. )

B:They’re pens. What are these?(Holding up two books.)

C:They’re books. What’re these? (Holding up two boxes. )etc.

Organise a chain drill around the class in the same way.

Step 4 Presentation

Draw a banana on the Bb. Ask What’s this? It’s a banana.

Draw two bananas and ask What are these? They’re bananas. Write one under the single banana and two under the two bananas.

Repeat up to ten.

Step 5. Read and say.

SB Page 27, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 22. Say Turn to Page 27, Part 1. Look at Picture 1. What’s this? Help them to answer It’s a banana.

Ask How many can you see? One, two or three? (One.)

Look at Picture 2. What are these? (They/They’re bananas.)Notice that the short form for They are is They’re.

Ask How many can you see, two, three or four?(Two.)

Repeat with the other pictures.Then ask What can you see in Picture 2?

Ss:Two bananas.

Do the same for the other pictures in random order.

Step 6 Presentation

SB Page 27, Part 2. Books closed. Use flashcards or draw a quick sketch of a car on the Bb. Step away from it and using a pointer ask What’s that? (It’s a car.)

Repeat with a bird, a cat, an egg and a cake. Teach a tree and a boat.

Now draw a second car, and, pointing to it ask What are those? (They’re cars.)

Repeat with birds, eggs, cakes, boats and trees.

Be sure to stand back and point when you ask,so students aren’t confused by these and those. Teach hills, boats and pictures in the same way. Get the students to read the dialogue in Part 2 in pairs.

Step 7 Ask and answer

SB Page 27, Part 2. Call out a student and ask What can you see in the picture? What are those? Point to the birds in the picture. They’re birds. Get him or her to ask you a similar question.Ask the students to work in pairs to ask and answer similar questions using the picture.

Step 8 Workbook

SB Page 112, WB Lesson 22. Do Exx. 1-3Ex.1 contains the numbers from one to thirteen.Help the students to spell fourteen and fifteen.Tell them the numbers from thirteen to nineteen all end in teen. They are all formed by the number plus teen,except for thirteen and fifteen which are slightly different.


Finish off the Workbook exercises. Choose Exx. 2 or 3 for written homework.






