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1.掌握本单元的词汇和部分短语的用法。如:so far,send up,make up,put off,etc.



4.学习构词法:n + n → n;n + ing/-en → adj;v + er/ or →n;如:fire + place = fireplace,interest - interesting, print - printer

5.认真学习课文"The Universe and Man - made Satellites",扩大知识面,了解航天等前沿科技。

6.复习、归纳动词不定式、被动语态的构成和用法及相关注意事项,省去to的动词不定式,必须加上to的被动语态等。如:help sb.do sth,be made to do sth.

Period:The First Period

Content: Lesson 45

Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Objects.

Teaching Objectives: the Passive Voice, be used for doing

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Check homework.

III. Leading in

Revise the Passive Voice again. Take out some objects to ask and answer.

What’s this in English?

What’s it made of?

Where was it made?

Do you want to buy a …?

IV. Presentation

Ask the individual: Do you have a computer? Does Laura have a computer? Where was it made? Listen to the tape or watch the flash and answer the questions, then read and act it out.

V. Practice

Part 2. Discuss the model with the students. Point out that “by people” is usually omitted.

Do the first one with the whole class as an example, then let the students work on their own, write down the answers in their exercise books. Check the answers with the whole class. Explain the new words and expressions.

1. put… into

Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.

2. point at

He is pointing at the map.

3. information: news

VI. Writing

Let the students practise this structure: be used for doing.

Show pictures: satellite, universe

Then let the students make sentences in their exercise books, Finally, check the answers with the whole class.



2016年九年级下学期英语教案:Unit5 Topic2-2  



