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2016下学期初一英语期中复习之Language in use.




1 climb

(a) Because the room is very small.

(b) You would climb into bed if you are so tired that it feels like a huge effort.

(c) You would probably need to bend over, and crawl through the hole.

2 spill

(a) spilt coffee all over your desk

You have accidentally knocked over a cup/mug and the coffee has gone (uncontrolled) all over the desk.

(b) toys spilled out all over the carpet

The toys were in a container, such as a box; either the box is too full so some toys are falling out onto the carpet, or the box has been tipped over so most of the toys have fallen out of the box.

(c) crowds were spilling out of the bars and restaurants

Many people are leaving the bars and restaurants all at once, probably because they are closing for the night.

3 join

(a) join a band

When they can play a musical instrument and want to play with others.

(b) join the unemployed

You have lost your job and become unemployed

(c) join in

You do the same activity that most other people are doing.

4 burst into

(a) burst into tears

The writer suddenly starts crying.

(b) bursts into bloom

Flowers, when they suddenly emerge from buds.

(c) burst into flames.

Put out the flames immediately if you can, or keep well clear and call the emergency services (the fire brigade).




初一下册英语期中考要点之What can you do?

初一下册英语期中考重点之Life in the future


