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C. 读短文回答问题。(前三个问题的答案不超过3个词)(共5小题,计10分)

I’m going to the sun on my holiday. I will go there by spaceship.

I will take a big blue spaceship. Then I’ll take the spaceship to the sun.  The sun is very hot. So I put on the super shirt. In the morning, I will have  some sun burgers for my breakfast. At eight o’clock, I will play with my friends  there. They are a super dog and a super girl. The super dog is white and black.  The super girl is very clever. The super girl and the super dog like to play  with me. So I play with them for an hour and a half. Then I will do my homework  on a small blue table. After finishing my homework, I will have my lunch. I will  eat sun salad. I will have red juice, red fish and red rice. All things are red.  Then I need a lot of water because the sun is too hot. Then I will walk to the  spaceship. After that I will take the spaceship to the earth.

This is a good holiday on the sun.

66. How will he go to the sun on his holiday?

67. What will he have for his breakfast?

68. What colour is the super dog?

69. Why does he need a lot of water?

70. What do you think of his holiday?


A. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。

71. (相信)it or not, I did the work on my own.

72. We are getting ready for my little brother’s ________ (九)birthday.

73. Taiwan is in the __________ (东南) of China.

74. The rabbit ran quickly _________ (穿过) the garden.

75. Weifang became_______ (著名的)for making kites.


76. An old friend of _________ (I) came to visit me last weekend.

77. When I passed by the river, I saw someone _________ (lie) on the  floor.

78. We are looking forward to (get) presents at Christmas.

79. He fell off the bike yesterday and _________ (hurt) himself.

80. Stop ________ (talk)! Listen to the teacher carefully!


Cinderella(灰姑娘)was a p 81 but poor girl. Her stepmother(继母) treated her very  badly. She made her do all of the h 82 day and night. She didn’t tell her father  about the sad thing because she loved her father and didn’t want him to w 83  about her.

One day, a prince (王子) in the country i 84 all the young girls to his  birthday party. But she only had dirty and old c 85 , so she cried and cried.  Suddenly a fairy(仙女)came and helped her go to the party. However, the fairy told  her that she had to come back b 86 12 o’clock. During the dancing party, she and  the prince danced together very well.

When the bell rang at 12 o’clock, she went b 87 home very quickly but l 88  one glass shoe in the palace. Then the prince took the glass shoe and asked from  door to door around the country to l 89 for the girl who wore it. At last, he  found Cinderella and m arried(娶) her. They lived a h_ 90 life ever after.

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