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[答案] 1—5 AACCC 6—10 BCAAA


This is a big classroom.There are twenty-one boys and twenty-three girls in it.One of the boys__11__ English.His name is Jim.Two of__12__ are Americans.They're twins.__13__ names are Lucy and Lily. They are my friends.__14__students are Chinese.

All__15__ the Chinese students are League members.__16__ Chinese students__17__the English boy and the American girls, and they like us, too.We often play games.Look! They__18__ football now.Oh, there__19__ the twins!They're coming this way.Let's__20__ hello to them.

(  )11.A.are B.is C.am D.is an

(  )12.A.girl B.the girl

C.girls D.the girls

(  )13.A.They're B.Its

C.Their D.It's

(  )14.A.The other B.Others

C.Other D.The others

(  )15.A.of B.are C.right D.for

(  )16.A.Us B.We C.Our D.Ours

(  )17.A.like all B.both like

C.all like D.all likes

(  )18.A.play B.are playing

C.playing D.plays

(  )19.A.is B.are C.comes D.come

(  )20.A.to say B.talk

C.speak D.say


11.B one of 是“其中之一”的意思,后接可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

12.D 13.C 14.A

15.A all of…是固定搭配,意为“……中所有的”。

16.B we与Chinese students 属于同位语。

17.C all应放在实义动词之前。

18.B 19.D

20.D say后跟说的内容,say hello to sb.意为“与某人打招呼”。


My name is Kate. I'm in Grade Two. I like my school life. There are forty-eight students in my class, and twenty are girls.

Our classroom is very nice. There is a blackboard on the front wall. And the teacher's desk is in front of the blackboard. There are two pieces of chalk (两支粉笔) and a blackboard eraser(黑板擦) on the desk. There are two maps on the wall, too. One is a map of China, and the other is a map of the world. Our classroom is very clean. I like it very much.


