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I. 1-5  ADACA    6-10  DCBCC    1-15  DADAA

II. 1—5 BCDDB    6—10  AABAD     11-15  ACB CB

III. 1-5  BCBAD    6-10  CDADB    11-15  DCBAC


A. 1. marriage    2.  capital     3. trunks    4. success   5. discuss   6. performers


1. wonderful   2. delightful    3. shiny    4. meaning   5. clearly    6. harmful    7. noisy    8. performers


1. clapped    2. will leave   3. screamed    4. arrives   5. matches   6. has stopped

V. 1. best time  2. Have; been   3. had a good time   4. At the end of the day    5. so; that


1. On her way home from school.

2. She saw two aliens.

3. They got out and used something to examine the ground.

4. They were short and had pink eyes.

5. Because they didn’t want others to laugh at their daughter.

VII. One possible version:


Most of the people like travelling because it is a very good outdoor activity. We may enjoy the nature when we go out for travelling, and we may enjoy the fresh air outside. The important thing is that we can forget that we are tired and the unhappy things. Travelling is good for our health.

However, sometimes, we may run into troubles when going travelling. For example, we can’t change the weather. It may be rainy when we are travelling. So we should prepare things well before the trip. And I hope everyone could enjoy himself during the travel.


1. lives   2. knows    3. answers    4. telephones   5. see

6. under  7. time     8. moon      9. fly         10. fish

五. 任务型阅读:

79. collection     80. whole    81. popular    82. messages    83. Quick


