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2013年七年级英语下册Unit 1教学案



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 2013年七年级英语下册Unit 1教学案

Main task


1. 亲爱的同学,你会描述自己的家吗?

我叫Jack White, 所以我的姓( )是______, 名( )是_____。我1992年出生,所以我的年龄( )是_____。我的电话号码( )是8754621。我家住在中国盐城(I live ______ )。我的地址( )是黄海路20号( )。我家住在5号楼505室(I live _________ in ______ 5.)我们的大楼有六层( )。我家有六个房间,它们是厨房( ),餐厅( ),浴室( ),客厅( ),2个卧室( )。我家住3人(______ people live in it.)。我们没有花园( )。你们的怎么样(W_____ a_____ y_____)?你愿意与我交流一下不同地方家园( )的信息吗?快来填写17页的表格吧!

2. 不同的国家,不同的人,对理想家园有着不同的要求。Simon理想中的家园( )是什么样子呢?它很大( )吗?至少( )有____个房间呢?有几层( )?第一层( )上有_____和其它一些房间( )。第二层( )上有其它的房间( )。第三层( )上有 _____, _____。Simon想要有许多双人床( )在所有的卧室里( )。为什么?因为 ________________________________________。他还想要一个有多长的游泳池( )? ___________________。他不要花园,但要有一个足球场( )。他的浴室要有多少个淋浴( )和多少个浴缸( )? ______和 _____。为什么?因为 _________________________________。



1.电话号码 2.双层床

3.餐厅 4.客厅

5.同时 6.至少

7.理想的家 8.足球场

9.200米长 10.一个有4个浴缸的浴室




1.What’s your name? So your surname is _______.Your given name is _______.

2.Is Simon’s dream home very large?

3. How large is it?

4. How many floors does it have?

5.What’s on every floor?

6.Is there a swimming pool in his dream home?

7.How long is it?

8.Is there a garden in his dream home?

9.Is there a football pitch?

10.Why does Simon want to have bunk beds in all the bedrooms?

11. Why does Simon want to have a room with twelve showers and four baths?

2). 重点热点点击


1. How many floors does your house have?(同义句)

How many floors _____ ______ ______ your house?

2. My telephone number is 8954621.(对画线部分提问)

______ _____ your telephone number?

3. He is 12 years old.(同义句)

_____ ______ is she?

4. I live in a flat.(加house改为选择疑问句)

_____ ____ you live a flat ____ _____ house?

5. Eight people live in my home.(对画线部分提问)

_____ ____ _____ _____ in your home?

6. Our school is very large. It has many basketball courts in it. (同义句)

Our school is very large _____ many basketball courts in it.

7. My bedroom is on the second floor. (对画线部分提问)

______ ______ is your bedroom on?

8. The classroom is 12 metres long. (对画线部分提问)

_____ _____ is the classroom?

9. There are not any other rooms on this floor. (同义句)

There are _____ other rooms on this floor.

10. I go to school at 6:30. My sister goes to school at 6:30,too. (同义句)

My sister and I go to school ____ _____ ____



1. Mr. Brown’s name is John Brown. So his s_______ is Brown. His f______ name is John.

2. I put my clothes in my w_______.

3. We have our meals in the d______ room.

4. I don’t have a swimming pool in my home. But I want to have one.

So that’s my d_____ home.

5. There are nine f_____ in my building. And my f_____ is on the ninth.

6. There are two _______ (阳台)in my flat. We often sit on them and look out from there.

7. She wants to have a house ____ (有) a garden in it.

8. My grandfather likes living on the __________ (第一层).

9. The students all have their ______ (自己的) bags.

10. In our school there are _______ (至少) 500 teachers.


( ) 1. She is my teacher. Her name is Allan Brown. You can call her _____.

A. Miss Allan B. Mr. Allan C. Miss Brown

( ) 2. My telephone number ______ 3001278.

A. is B. am C. are

( ) 3. How many floors _____ your building _____?

A. do; have B. do; has C. does have

( ) 4. There’re twelve floors ____ my building and I live ____ the tenth floor.

A. in; in B. on; on C. in; on

( ) 5.The bed is 2 _____.

A. metre long B. metres long C. metres longs

( ) 6.Four students in the team are here. Where are ______ students?

A. the other B. other C. the others

( ) 7. Miss Li likes _____ students in her class.

A. all B. the all C. all the

( ) 8. This is a new pencil-box ____ two pens in it.

A. have B. has C. with

( ) 9.-Where’s the TV? -______.

A. Here it is. B. Here is it. C. Here the TV is.

( ) 10.There is ____ a bathroom in Andy’s home. He can _____ have a bath every day.

A. too; have B. also; have C. too; has



Look __1__ the picture. It's a picture _2 my room. I have 3 bird. Its 4 is Polly. I look 5 it every day, but it's not in the picture. You 6 see it there. Can you see a cat? It's under my chair. The cat and the bird are in 7 rooms. They can't live in the same room. My books 8 on my desk. My pens and pencils are in my bag. The bag 9 behind the door. My bed is beside 10 desk. In the morning, I put everything in good order(秩序).

( ) 1. A. of B. at C. in D. on

( ) 2. A. at B. in C. of D. on

( ) 3. A. a B. the C. two D. nice

( ) 4. A. his B. name C. bag D. map

( ) 5. A. a B. after C. of D. on

( ) 6. A. at B. can't C. aren't D. can

( ) 7. A. same B. the same C. different D. a

( ) 8. A. are B. is C. am D. see

( ) 9. A. look B. is C. am D. are

( ) 10.A. two B. new C. the D. a


一. 考考你


1. 我们学习语文、数学、英语和其他学科。

We study Chinese,maths,English and ______ ________.

2. 她有两个孩子。一个是男孩,另一个是女孩。

She has two children. One is a boy. ____ _____ is a girl.

3. 帮助别人我觉得很开心。

I’m happy to ______ ______.

4. 我们班有65名学生。35个男生,其余的是女生。

There are 65 students in our class. Thirty-five of us are boys.

_____ ______ ( _____ ______ students) are girls.





Study skills











如:I study English every day.

句型二:“Wh-+be +主语?”如:What is your father?

句型三:”What +助动词+主语+动词原形+其它?

如:What does your mother usually do at the weekend?

(注):回答用陈述句,不用Yes 或No回答。

根据要求转换下列句型:新|课|标| 第|一|网

1.Lily cleans her bedroom at the weekend.(改为一般疑问句)

2.Do it like this.(改为否定句)

3.He will help me when he grows up.(对划线部分提问)

4.There is an old man in the library.(改为复数句)

5.Linda is from England.(同义句)

2). 重点热点点击


1.May I___(borrow) your eraser?

2.Please help the old woman_____(carry) the bag.

3.I like___(read)on the balcony in the winter sun.

4.My sister is a good ____(dance),and she practices___(dance)every day.

5. Does your father want you___(be) a teacher when you grow up?

6.Where is your teacher? He ____(write) a letter in English.



( )1.She doesn’t her homework on Sundays. ______


( ) 2.May I speak to Andy,please?---Yes,I am ______


( ) 3.The boy enjoys to play badminton in the afternoon.______


( ) 4.I don’t know how to wear today,please come and help me. ______




They _____ ____the new______ on____,August the_____.

2. 上个星期,那些孩子在公园里玩得很开心。

Last week,the children_____ fun_____ ___ ___and the Summer______.

3. 我们都期盼着再见到那位外籍教师。

We are all_____ ____ _____ _____the foreign teacher.

4. 你为什么喜欢中秋节?因为我喜欢吃月饼。

_____do you like____ _____ ______ ______? ______I like______mooncakes.

5. 你什么时候离开?明天上午。

When____you_____? ______morning.


He___ ___ ___ ____ speak ____us.

7. 我们在同一个班级。让我们成为好朋友吧。

We’re____the___class now.Let’s_____good friends.


On Children’s Day a young woman from Japan goes to Beihai Park with her little son.There are many people in the park.The woman can’t find her son.So he goes to the policeman for help.She tells the policeman her son is only five years old.He has two big eyes and a big nose.His hair is golden.And he is in a short brown T-shirt .At last he helps her find her son.She thanks him very much.

( )1.On Children’s Day,___woman goes to Beihai Park with her little son.

A.a Japan B.Japan C.Japanese D.a Japanese

( )2.The woman can’t find her___.

A.daughter B.the baby C.Children D.child

( )3.Her son is only_____.

A.six B.five C.seven D.four

( )4.The little boy’s hair is_____.

A.black B.brown C.yellow D.golden

( )5.____helps her find her son.

A.Policeman B.A policeman C.Some people D.The police



1. There are nine people in front of Green and six behind him.

How many people are there altogether?

2. Who can stop many trucks with one hand?

3. What is the most important thing to do when you go to sleep?

4. It’s cold and white.It falls from the sky.The more you dry it in the sun,the wetter it becomes.What is it?




本单元我们学习了in/on/at/in front of/behind/next to/opposite等方位介词,顾名思义,方位介词是用来描述事物所处的位置的。通过这节课的学习我们可以大致了解这些词的用法。




1.Are there any flowers___the teacher’s desk? Yes,there are.

2.Their shoes are___the bed.

3.Millie is____ ___ ____ the gate.

4.Lily is _____the tree.

5.Andy is_____Peter and Nick.

6.There is a big tree ___the café.

7.Is there a picture_____the wall?

8.There are some boats_____the lake.

9.The dog is___ ____ ___ ___the river.

10.What’s ____ ____ ____ ____the park? There are some boats.



一. 同学们!是不是很轻松地就找全了所学的方位介词词组?很有成就感吧?


1.在咖啡馆附近 2.在盒子之间 3.在花后面

4.在湖上 5.在一楼 6.在讲台上

7.在 …… 中间 8.在树上 9.在大门前

10.在A楼 11.在教室中间 12.在黑板上

2). 重点热点点击


2. 序数词用来表示顺序,序数词在句中可作主语,宾语,定语和表语。

Fe.The second is the best. (主)

He likes the third.( 宾)


(1).He lives on the twelveth floor.

(2).The teacher puts his book on the desk yesterday.

(3).We will have a party in the afternoon of December 9th.

(4).The teacher is in the front of the class.

(5).He came nineth in the Maths exam.



1. The American lady lives____a large flat_____Washton D.C.

2. Young girls like chatting____friends on the Internet.

3. The Christmas party is____the evening of December 24th.

4. My brother often reads newspapers____breakfast.

5. There is a house____the lake.

6. Do you live____the center___the town.

7. Her mother and she are shopping___a busy street.

8. Welcome_____our city.

9. The party is___six___the afternoon.

10.Hainan Island is a good place to go____summer.






“____you have your______room?”

“No,I_____a room____my twin sister.”


There are____ ____rooms____the____in Andy’s_____home.


Please______the book_____the______.


He_____ _____the_____floor.




1. 除first, second, third外,从第四开始,由相应的基数词加词尾-th构成序数词。

2. 以ty结尾的先将y变成ie,再加-th构成序数词。

3. 有少数几个基数词加-th构成序数词时,拼写有变化,如:five fifth,

eight eighth, nine ninth, twelve twelfth

比较:the+序数词+名词 名词+基数词


This is Lily’s bedroom. It is not very big, but the window is very, and the bedroom is bright. We can see some pictures and a nice clock on the walls. lily’s bed is small. A lamp is on the table, and some boxes of milk are under it. A beautiful desk is near the window .The desk is small. lily puts all her books in the desk, and some clothes in it, too There are some flowers on Lily’s desk. Some are red, some are yellow, some are pink and the others are white. They are very nice. Lily is a Chinese girl. She is polite and helpful.


1.Lily’s books are in her desk. We c____see them.

2.The flowers are in four c____.

3.Lily’s bedroom is not e_____. There are many things in it.

4.A clock and some nice pictures a___on the walls.

5.There is a d___beside her bed.


( )6.Lily does her homework at her desk.

( )7.The colours of the flowers are nice.

( )8.The desk is big.lily puts all her sweater on it.

( )9.Lily’s bedroom is very small.

( )10.There are three windows in the walls.






七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 


