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Unit 3 Speaking



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 Unit 3 Speaking

科目: 七年级英语 授课教师:

课 题Unit 3 Speaking课时第6课时

教学目标1. To demonstrate the pronunciation of the four sounds: [ǝu], [au],[l]and [j]. 2. Use ‘If…’to discuss disabilities. 3.To read words with the sound [j]correctly. 4.To discuss disabilities.


重点和难点1. 两个双元音和两个辅音 2. 情态动词can


程Step 1 Warming up

Greetings and duty report.

Step 2 Check WB exercises

Step 3 Talk time

1. Ask students to read three words with the sound [ǝu], then ask them what is the same sound in these three words. Read another three words using the sound [ǝu].

2. Ask them which letters pronounce [ǝu].

(The same way to teach [au],[l]and [j])

3.Do the exercise in P41

Step 4 Speak up

1. Teach different disabilities.

2. Use ‘if…’ to discuss disabilities. Make conversations with partners. Then ask some pairs to report their discussions.

3. Look at the pictures on P41 and discuss these disabilities in the same way.

Then ask some students to show their ideas.

Step 5 Homework

Do a report about Shanglan(桑兰). What did she do after she was in a wheelchair?



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 


