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21.I hope I cam offer you some useful suggestions.我希望我能够提供一些有用的建议给你。

▲offer 用作动词,意为"提供;""为...提供机会,给予"常用短语"offer sb. sth或offer sth. For sb."意思是"为某人提供某物"。如:

①I offered him a glass of wine.我敬了他一杯酒。

① will you offer the guests some coffee?请你给客人拿一些咖啡好吗?

② I﹐ve been offered a job in Japan.日本有份工作要聘请我去做。

③ The company has offered a high salary.公司提出高薪招聘。

④ She offered a reward for the return of her lost bracelet.她为寻回遗失的手镯提出以报酬答谢。

⑤ He offered §3,000 for the house.他提出了3000英镑买这间房子。

⑥ We offered him the house for $ 20,000.我们要他出20,0000美元买这间房子。

offer to do sth.的意思是"主动提出做某事。"如:

She offered to carry the box for her mother. 她主动提出要帮她母亲拿箱子。

We offered to leave. 我们表示要走了。

He offered to lend me his bike.他表示要把自行车借给我。

Never to teach fish to swim.莫班门弄斧。

He offered to hit me. 他企图打我。

She offered to help me to learn English.她提出要帮助我学习英语。

offer sth (up) to sb. 的意思是"奉献,祭献"。如:

① A calf was offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess.向女神献祭一头牺牲的小牛。

② He offered his life to his country.他把生命献给了祖国。

offer one﹐s hand 的意思是"伸出手""向女子求婚"。如:

① He came towards me smiled and offered his hand.他微笑地向我走来并伸出手。

② The young man decided to offer his hand to the pretty girl.这个小伙子决定向那个漂亮的女孩求婚。

offer 也可作名词,意为"提供;提议;提出;出价"等。如:

She refused the offer.她拒绝这个提议。

I am open to an offer.我愿意考虑买主的出价。

I﹐ve had an offer of §1200 for the car. 有人向我出价1200英磅买这辆车。

22.Suggestion 和suggest的用法。


① I went there at /on your suggestion.我是根据你的建议去那里的。

②Jan was my first suggestion as chairperson.简是我推荐可以任主席的第一人选。

③I have a suggestion to make .我有个建议要提。

④I want suggestions about what to do today.今天做些什么,我想听听有何意见。

⑤There is no suggestion that she would resign.没有任何迹象显示她要辞职。

⑥Must advertisements work through suggestion.广告都是通过启发人的联想而发挥作用。

⑦His speech was full of suggestion.他的演说充满了暗示。

Suggestion 与advice都可作"建议"解释,但suggestion为可数名词,指对某件事或某个问题,尤其是为改进工作或解决问题而提出的"意见或建议",常用make a suggestion. advice一般指有经验或有业务专长的人对某一行动提出带有指点或指教性的"意见、建议或劝告"。如:医生对病人的医嘱、老师对学生的指教等,它是不可数名词,只能用a piece of , a bit of ,some 等修饰,advice作"劝告""意见"解释,常用take advice, give advice, follow advice等词组。

① Can you give me a piece of advice?=Can you give me a suggestion?你能给我一条建议吗?

② On his advice, I am staying in bed. 根据他的建议,我呆在床上了。

③ You should take his advice.你应该采取他的建议。

④ At last they went to their father﹐s old friend and asked his advice.最后他们去找他们父亲的老朋友,听取他的意见。

Suggest 用作动词,意为"提议、建议、提出、暗示、间接表明"。如:

① I suggest a tour of the museum.我提议去参加博物馆。

② Can you suggest how we might solve the problem?怎样解决这问题,你能出个主意吗?

③ He suggested taking the children to the zoo.他提议带孩子去动物园。

④ They accepted the paper and suggested only one change.他们接受了这篇文章,只提出改动一个地方。

Suggest 后只可以接动名词作直接宾语,不可以带动词不定式。如:

① I suggest going out for a walk after supper.我建议晚饭后到外面去散步。

② She suggested having a class meeting.她提议开个班会。

Suggest后面接that 引导的宾语从句。如果是"建议"的意思,则that引导的从句要用虚拟语气,谓语部分用should+动词原形,should可以省略。如:

① I wrote suggesting that he should come for the weekend. 我写信请他来度周末。

② It is suggested that we put on a short play at the party.有人建设我们在晚会上演个短剧。

③ I suggest that we (should)go to the Palace Museum on Sunday.我建议星期天去故宫博物馆。

Suggestion如果后面接的that 引导的从句,表示的意思是"暗示、表明",则that引导的宾语从句不用虚拟语气,必须根据具体情况来确定所用的时态。如:

① His pale face suggests that he knew the bad news.他苍白的脸表明他知道了这个坏消息。

② What he said suggested that he would like to go with us.他所说的话暗示他想和我们一起去。

③ Her expression suggested that she was angry.她的表情说明她在生气。

④ His pale face suggests bad health.他脸色苍白,说明他身体不好。

动词advise 表示"建议、劝告"的意思时,它的后面可以跟名词、动名词、不定式复合结构、that从句(从句中用should+动词原形)如:

① We advised an early start.我们建议早点出发。

② I advised his starting at once.我建议他马上开始。

③ He advised waiting until proper time.他劝告我们等到适当的机会再行动。

④ He often advises people to use their brains.他经常劝人们多动脑筋。

⑤ I advised that he (should )buy the book.我建议他买这本书。

23.Then work out how much time you need to finish it.然后算出完成作业所需要的时间。

▲need 用作及物动词,意为"需要",后接名词,不定式。如:

① Do you think you will need help?你想你需要帮忙吗?

②I﹐ll call you if anything is needed.要是需要什么,我就叫你。

③They need to unite with and support each other.他们需要互相团结,互相支持。

④Does she need to know it?她需要知道这件事吗?

⑤You don﹐t need to leave so early.你们不需要走得这么早。


① Whose chair needs fixing?谁的椅子需要修理?

② My hair needs washing badly.我的头发非常需要洗一洗。


① So you needn﹐t hurry with the meeting.所以你们不必急于开这个会。

② Need you go so soon?你需要这么早走吗?

③ Need we start at once?我们必须立刻动身吗?






