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1.根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的完全形式 (每空限填一词)。

【小题1】There were many tears in my eyes when I was c     the onions.

【小题2】Which are you better at, spoken English or w     English?

【小题3】Hangzhou is a good place for the v     to go sightseeing.

【小题4】-Lucy, could you move your things to your bedroom? The living room is too crowded. I can’t go a     to the kitchen.

-All right, Mum.

【小题5】In J      , the first month of the year, it is always very cold in my hometown.

【小题6】A    , please! I have something important to tell you.

【小题7】Every man is a fool s    , and none at all times.

【小题8】The fast food i     isn’t bad for your health, but eating too much isn’t good for you.

【小题9】-Wow, long time no see. -We didn’t e     to meet you here.

【小题10】He’s visited many countries and has learnt several f     languages.

2.Would you be surprised to learn that your eyes are like an eagle’s eyes in some ways? You and an eagle can see colors. And an eagle’s eyes and yours are about the same size. But therre are a lot more of a special type of cell in an eagle’s eyes than in your eyes. These cells send information to the eagle’s brain. Getting a lot of information helps an eagle see much better than you. In fact, eagle can spot a fish in the sea from a mile away.

You and an eagle have eyes that make tears. Your eyes make watery tears that clean your eyes. An eagle’s eyes for watery tears and oily tears. Eagles dive into the sea to catch fish. The oily tears guard their eyes from the saltwater.

Like you, eagles have eyelids. You have two eyelids, and you close your eyes by lowering the top lid. When eagles close their eyes, their bottom lids raise up. Eagles have a third eyelid that moves across the eye every few seconds. It wipes dust away from the eye. An eagle can see through this third eyelid. The eyelid guards the bird’s eyes when it swoops at 100 miles an hour after its prey(捕食).

【小题1】How are your eyes like an eagle’s eyes?

A. You both have three eyelids.       B. You bothe see colors.

C. Your eyes have the same number of special cells as an eagle’s eyes.

【小题2】Your eyes help you learn about the world. An eagle’s eyes help it  ______  .

A.catch its prey B.fly fast

C.blink its eyelids D.send information

【小题3】Unlike your eyes, an eagle’s eyes ______    .

A.have cells B.can see colors

C.have an extra eyelid D.form tears

【小题4】How is the way an eagle blinks(眨眼) different from the way you blink?

A.An eagle moves both its top and bottom eyelids.

B.An eagle moves its bottom eyelid.

C.An eagle moves its top eyelid.

D.An eagle uses three eyelids to blink.

【小题5】The word “swoop” is closed in meaning to   _______  .

A.俯冲 B.飞翔 C.展翅 D.冒险





