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2016学年初三英语Unit 3 Teenage problems同步练习题



要想学好一门课就必须大量反复地做题,为此,精品小编为大家整理了这篇2016学年初三英语Unit 3 Teenage problems同步练习题,以供大家参考!

( ) 1. — Do you have time     your hobbies?

— Well, the exam is just around the corner. I have to spend most of my time

my lessons.

A. on; on B. for; for

C. for; on D. on; for

( ) 2. — An iPhone5 costs over 5,000 yuan, doesn’t it?

— Yes. I don’t know     it is worth the price. Maybe I can buy a Huawei or Miui (小米) phone.

A. how B. what

C. whether D. where

( ) 3. — Are your parents     you?

— Sometimes they are. For example, I have to be back home before 7 every evening.

A. pleased with B. strict with

C. proud of D. excited about

( ) 4. — It’s not safe for a girl of your age to     late.

— I am just waiting for my father here. Thanks anyway.

A. stay up B. stay out

C. stay away D. stay off

( ) 5. — What’s your trouble, boys?

— The Maths problem is too difficult    .

A. for us to work out

B. for us to work out it

C. for us to work it out

D. that we can’t work it out

小编再次提醒大家,一定要多练习哦!希望这篇2016学年初三英语Unit 3 Teenage problems同步练习题能够帮助你巩固学过的相关知识。


2016年九年级上学期英语期末练习:Module 5 


