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2014年最新英语巩固九年级训练What would you do



2014年最新英语巩固九年级训练What would you do

1.百万______________ 2.医学的___________ 3.研究_____________ 4.领带_____________ 5.烦恼___________ 二.翻译下列短语 1.一百万美元____________________________ 2.医学研究__________________ 3.迟到…________________________________ 4.对…而担心________________ 5.如果…将会怎样________________________ 6.变得紧张__________________ 三.句子汉译英 1.如果你有一百万美元,你会做什么?_____________________________________ 2.我会把它捐给慈善机构._____________________________________ ___ 3.如果我是你,我会穿衬衣打领带._______________________________________ 4.如果我是你,我会带一份小礼物。______________________________________ 5.如果我不认识任何人,该怎么办?______________________________________ 三.听力训练.(2a, 2b) 1b: Girl1: Hey, did you see this newspaper article? An old man had a dollars. And he gave it . Boy1: Wow, nice man! Girl1: What you do if you a million ? Boy1: If I had a dollars, I’d give the to the . I help the pandas. Girl1: That’s a good idea! I know what I’d do. I’d buy my family. Girl2: Really? I’d put the money in the . Then I’d just ! Boy2: Hmmmm… I think I’d give the money to . I’d want to . 2a,2b Girl1: are you going, Larry? Boy1: To Tom’s party. Girl1: you! I’d love to ! Boy1: Yeah, well, I’m a little nervous. I don’t know Girl1: , I’d wear a shirt and tie. Boy1: What if everybody else is and T-shirts? Girl1: Oh, you shouldn’t what other people are wearing. Boy1: And present. What if everyone a present? Girl1: If I were you, I’d take a -a pen or something. Keep it in and if everyone has a present, you can give him yours. Boy1: OK. But I don’t know anyone? Girl1: If you don’t know anyone, you can . He’ll you to people. Boy1: I guess I can do that. Girl1: Look! You’re sure to . But if you’re still nervous, you can leave. 语法---虚拟语气 虚拟语气概念: 英语中,人们常常用不同的动词形式来表达自己的不同看法和态度。这种动词的形式就叫做动词的语气。英语动词有陈述语气、祈使语气和虚拟语气。 1. 叙述事实或者可能发生的事情时,人们所使用的语气就是 。如: I’m a boy of sixteen this year. 今年我是个十六岁的男孩了。 2. 人们用来表示命令、要求、请求、邀请、劝告或建议时所使用的语气就是 。如: Hurry up. 快点。Don’t go there. 不要去那儿。




