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2014年最新英语初中三年级巩固训练I like music that I can dance to Section B



2014年最新英语初中三年级巩固训练I like music that I can dance to Section B

根据中文翻译下列单词。下沉 根据中文翻译下列词组。使某人想起某事 使我想起我爸爸 喜欢A胜过B(2种说法) 喜欢英语歌胜过摇滚 更喜欢做某事 更喜欢做A胜过做B 更喜欢唱歌胜过游泳 听听力2a&2b,根据听力材料完成下列所缺的句子。Section B, 2a, 2b Ali: Wow, you sure have lots of cool stuff. What a great jacket! Michael: Yeah, it's new. I really like it. ________________ that are unusual. Ali: Yeah, me too. Say... is that a new book over there? Michael: Yes, it is. ___________________. It tells about how to become a good player. Ali: Is it good? Michael: Yeah, it's great. _______________ who explain things well. Ali: Me, too. Ummmm, Michael? Michael: Yes? Ali: Uhhh ... Where did you get that movie poster? Michael: Oh, the Monster Lizard poster? My brother got it for me. _______________________. Ali: It's a great poster. Michael: Yeah, it is. I love movies __________________, don't you? Ali: I sure do. Say... Michael... Do you think your brother could get a Monster Lizard poster for me? Michael




