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最新英语初三巩固训练Unit 9 When was it invented



最新英语初三巩固训练Unit 9 When was it invented

一.单词记忆1. 发明v. 2. 发明n. 3. 用来做…… 4. 勺子 5. 可调整的 .后跟 7.电池 8 操作. 9. 电池供电的 10.拖鞋 11加热 12.计算器 二.词组记背1.用来做 2. 电灯泡 3.微波炉 . 4. 电动拖鞋 5.在黑暗中 6.冰淇淋 三.掌握重点句子1.汽车是什么时候发明的? 2.它是在1885年发明的。 3.它们是由谁发明的? 4.它们是朱利汤普森发明的。 5.它们是用来做什么用的? 6.它们用来在黑暗中照明。 四、听力训练1a 1bAlice: Life must have been when you a kid. Woman: Oh, not really. ? Alice: Well, you didn’t have many Like, you probably didn’t have a , right? Woman: Of course we did! do you think I am? The telephone in 1876. Alice: cars? I bet cars invented yet. Woman: Sure . Cars were invented in 1885. My family had a car. I think you need to take a Alice. Alice: Ha, ha! Well ,did you have a TV? Woman: No, . The TV was invented 1927, I think. Some friends had one. 五.听力训练2a 2b Boy: What are ? Girl: They’re battery-operated . Boy: ? Girl: They’re in the dark. Boy: Oh, that’s cool! were they invented ? Girl: Julie Thompson. And look at this ice cream scoop. Boy: I know what it’s for! It’s used for really cold ice cream. Girl: Right. It by Chelsea Lanmon. Boy: My favorite are with adjustable . You know- you can move the heels They were invented by Jayce Coziar and Jamie Ellsworth. Girl: And what are they used for? Boy: Well, you can change the your shoes. You can the shoes go from to dressy.




