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80. What are you going to do/Where are you going?

81. Why are you going there?

82. Who are you going with?

83. No, I can’t./Sorry, I can’t.

84. That’s a good idea.

【2013湖北咸宁】八、补全对话 (每小题2分,共8分)

Assistant: Can I help you?

Jane: (78) ______________________________.

Assistant: May I know who it is for? Maybe I can give you some help.

Jane: For myself. You know, I have a two-month holiday. I want to be in KFC as a part-time worker.

Assistant: I see. (79) ______________________________?

Jane: Um…I prefer light blue.

Assistant: There’re many styles of suits. (80) ______________________________?

Jane: It’s soft and smooth. I really like it. Can I try it on now?

Assistant: Of course. It’s suitable for you to wear uniforms at work.

Jane: Thanks so much. (81) ______________________________?

Assistant: It is made of cotton. It’s cheap and nice.

Jane: Great! I think I will take it.


78. I am looking for a suit./ I want to buy a suit./I need a suit.

79. What color do you need/want/prefer/like?

80. What do you think of this one?/How do you like this one?/What/How about this one?

81. What’s it made of ?

【2013黑龙江绥化】B) Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.

D—doctor   T—Tom

D: Good morning. Tom. 51____________________________________________?

T: I don’t feel very well.

D: Have you taken your temperature?

T: 52____________________________________________. My temperature is a little higher.

D: 53____________________________________________?

T: Ever since last night.

D: Open your mouth and say“Ah…”. You have a cold.

T: Is it serious?

D: 54 _________________. Take the medicine three times a day, and you’ll be all right soon.

T: 55____________________________________________.


51.What’s wrong (with you)?/ What’s the matter (with you)?/ What’s the problem (with you)?/ What’s the trouble(with you)?/ What’s your trouble?

52. Yes, I have.

53. How long have you been like this?

54. There’s nothing serious. / It’s nothing serious. /Nothing serious.

55. Thanks (a lot). /Many thanks. / Thank you (very much).


【2013贵州安顺】B. 根据对话内容排序。

66.        67.        68.        69.        70.

A: My mother has taught me since I was four years old.

B: What do you want to be when you grow up?

C: Congratulations! You have won the first prize in the Violin Competition. Who taught you?

D: Thanks for your answer.

E: I want to be a violinist.

【答案】66. C  67. A  68. B  69. E  70. D

66. 【解析】选C。此句是记者在采访时说的第一句话,先表示祝贺,再说明情况,然后提出问题。所以选择答案C。

67. 【解析】选A。结合前句提问“谁教你?”此句回答“my mother”。所以选择答案A。

68. 【解析】选B。接下来,记者提出第二个问题“当你长大了想要做什么?”。所以选择答案B。

69. 【解析】选E。回答前句对理想职业的询问,“I want to be a violinist.”,所以选择答案E。

70. 【解析】选D。最后记者结束访问,说了一句“Thanks for your answer.”,所以选择答案D。

【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.

M: Tina, Jenny’s birthday is coming.

W: Really? (51)                                  ?

M: It’s on Saturday, June 29th. I want to give her a gift, but I don’t know what I can buy for her.

(52)                                  ?

W: OK. What does she like doing?

M: She likes listening to music.

W: Why not get her a CD player?

M: That’s too expensive. (53)                                  .

W: What about an album of popular songs?

M: That’s a great idea! Thanks, Tina.

(At a supermarket.)

W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, please. (54)                                  .

W: Well, how do you like this one? It sells well these days.

M: I think it’s wonderful. (55)                                  ?

W: $15.

M: I’ll take it. Here is the money.




(1)何时是Jenny的生日(2)请求对方出主意 (3)询问价格等典型的日常交际用语。

51. When is her birthday? / When is it? / What's the date (of her birthday)?

52. Can you give me some advice? /Do you have some (any) good ideas? /What should I do? /Can you help me?

53. I can't afford it. /I'm afraid I cannot buy it. / I don't have enough money.

54. I want to buy an album of popular songs. / I'd like an album of popular songs. / I'm looking for an album of popular songs.

55. How much is it? /What's the price of it? /How much does it cost?


A: Hi, Tony! What are you doing here?

B: Hi, Judy! I'm reading about travelling.

A: About travelling? 76. _____________________?

B: Yes, I'm planning to travel during my summer vacation. Summer is the perfect time for fun and I'd like to stay cool in the hot weather.

A: That'll be fun! 77. _________ ___________?

B: Not yet. I'm looking for a place I've never been to. Any suggestions?

A: 78.                   . It's quite cool there in summer. I'm sure you will like that place because there are many fun activities. And the food there is also special.

B: 79.______________ _______. Thanks for your suggestion. What's your plan for the summer vacation?

A: I will stay at home. 80. ________ __________. But please tell me about your vacation after you come back.

B: No problem.


76. Are you planning (for) your/the summer vacation

Are you planning/Do you plan to travel/go travel(l)ing

Do you have any plans for the summer vacation

77. Have you decided/made up your mind/found out where to go/visit

Have you decided on the place

78. I think you can go to...

I suggest (that) you go toll suggest your going to...

My suggestion is that you go to...

You may/can go to...

79. That's a good/great idea/That's great/ good

It sounds/Sounds good/great

(Then) 1 will go to...

I'll think about it

80. I'll help my father with his business/…

I'll help my mother with the housework/...

I'll do my homework/...

【2013陕西】 (B)

A: Nick, are you busy now?

B: No. 81_________________________

A: I need your help. I’m planning for tomorrow’s Chinese class, Can we talk about it?

B: You mean the activity of “Spring in my eyes”?

A: Yes. What are you going to do

B: Er… 82_____________________________________

A: I don’t know.84 ______________________________________

B: Let me see, You like drawing. I think you can draw a picture about spring.

A: 85_________________________________________________. I’ll do that tomorrow.


81. What’s the matter/ What’s up/ Why/ Why are you asking?

82. I’ll sing a song/I am going to sing a song/I can sing a song/ I’d like to sing a song/ I want to sing a song.

83. What (How) about you/ What are you going to do/ What will you do?

84. Can(Could/ Would) you give me some advice/Can(could/ Would) you give me some advice to me/ Do you have any advice(any suggestions/ any good ideas)/ Any advice/ Any suggestions/ Any good ideas?

85. That sounds great (good/like a good idea)/ That’s a good idea/ Sounds great (good/like a good idea)/ Good idea.

【2013黑龙江哈尔滨】(B) 填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。

A: How are you , Jane?

B: Fine,    79   .  And you?

A: Very well. I’ve head that a foreign teacher is helping the people in Ya’an.    80    don’t we do something for others?

B: That’s a good idea. Do you have any plans for it?

A: I’m going to give my old clothes to the children in the countryside together    81   my father. Would you like to join us?

B:    82    love to. When shall we go there?

A: I have time on    83    Friday and Saturday. How about you?

B: I’m busy on Friday but    84    on Saturday morning. Shall we start at 10 o’clock?

A: Sorry, I’m afraid not. Let’s    85    it 10:30 on Saturday.

B: That would be fine. Shall we meet at the school gate?

A: All right.

79.______ 80.______ 81._____ 82._____ 83.______ 84.______ 85._______

79. thanks【解析】有问句How are you, Jane?可知答语为Fine, thanks.。

80. Why【解析】Why don’t we…?相当于Why not…? 意为“为什么不……?”

81. with【解析】with sb.“和某人在一起”。

82. I’d 【解析】由问句Would you like to join us?可知答语为I’d love to.。

83. both 【解析】both …and…表示“两者都”。

