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第一部分 选择题(共80分)




1.  A. One week               B.Two weeks             C. Three weeks

2.  A. At 6:00.                  B. At 6:30.              C. At 7:00.

3.  A. Boring.                  B. Interesting.          C.Great.

4.  A. The woman’s son           B. The woman’s husband                  C. The woman’s student

5.  A. It was a poor game.        B. The Chinese players were pretty good.

C. The man had no time to watch the game.

6.  A.Canada.                  B.America.                  C.England.

7.  A. By bike.                  B. By car.               C. On foot.

8.  A. Grade Seven.              B. Grade Eight.             C. Grade Nine.

9.  A.Paul is ill.                  B.John is having a party..

C.Paul’s parent’s aren’t at home..




10. What’s the name of the TV show ?

A.To Be the First One        B.Not One Less        C.He is the First One.

11. Howoften does John watch it?

A.Every Sunday evening      B.Every evening        C.Every other evening


12. Why does the girl want to change her coat?

A.Because the coat doesn’t fit her.     B.Because the coat is too expensive.

C.Because she doesn’t like the color.

13. Who bought the coat for the girl?

A. Her brother.          B.Her sister.           C. Her mother.

14. Which coat will the girl probably take?

A.A red one,Size 11.  B.A yellow one,Size 9.  C.A blue one,Size 1


15. When did John finish his homework?

A.Before 12 o’clock.        B.Until 12 o’clock.      C. After 12 o’clock.

16. What’s wrong with John’s mother last night?

A.Her back hurt.           B.Her left leg hurt.      C.She was all right.

17. Whom did John’s mother go to hospital with?

A.John.       B.John’s father.    C.John and his father


18. Why does Jane want to get a job?

A. She wants to give her father money.    B. Her friends all have jobs.

C. She needs more money for herself .

19. What is Jane’s father worried about?

A. She won’t have enough time for her homework.

B. She is so lazy that she can do nothing well.

C. She’ll come home late at night.

20. How often will Jane work?

A. Twice a week.      B. Every day after school.   C. Once a week.

21. What doesn’t Jane want to do?

A. Work at her father’s shop  B. Clean the toilets      C. Get paid by hour


22. How many persons were there in the room when someone was knocking at the door?

A. One person.   B. Two persons.   C. Three persons.

23. What did the young man wear?

A. A white shirt.   B. A pair of glasses.  C. Long trousers.

24. Who was the young man?

A. He was a friend of the writer’s.   B. He was a friend of the writer’s brother’s.

C. He was a strange man to them.

25. What was probably the end of the story?

A. The young man was taken away by the police.

B. The young man became their friend.    C. The young man ran away.




(  )26.Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.

A. must’t          B.needn’t      C. ought to    D.are supposed to

(    )27.Here is the key to the mid-term English exam foryou.

Thank you.

A. reply        B. look       C.explaination    D. answer

(    )28.Make yourself at home ,Sam. Shall I fetch you a glass of juice?

Yes,please.Thank you.

A. take         B.carry    C. go and get       D. bring.

(    )29.Liu Qian,a famous magician from Taiwan ,appeared in the Spring Festrival Party of 2009 .Most people lost themselfes in his wonder ful performance.

A. are interested in  B.were attracted by   C.have a lot of fun in D.be fond of

(    )30.To my surprise, he was not a bit happy when he got the present

A.not a little       B.not at all         C. very      Dmuch


(     )31.The wine is _____ rice.

A. made in             B. made of         C. made from       D. made for .

(  ) 32.–Is History Museum open to the public yet?

- Yes, it ________ for almost two months.

A. has been open    B. has opened      C. has been opened  D.has been on

(  )33. He tried his best to find a roommate to live _______.

A. /       B. in      C. with         D.to

(   )34 All the _______ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th, because it was their own holiday.

A.man     B.men     C.woman     D.women

(    )35 They wanted to know _________ 1,600 words as soon as possible.

A. how can they learn     B. how could they learn

C. how they can learn     D. how they could learn

(   )36. James is one of the students in the class _________ have ever been                 to Japan.

A. who    B. whose    C. which    D. whom

(     37.---- Your sister isn’t a nurse, is she?

---- ________.She teaches English in a middle school.

A.No, she isn’t   B.Yes, she is  C.Yes.she isn’t   D.No, she is

(     )38. Neither you or he ______ Hawaii before.

A. has gone to   B. have gone to  C. have been to   D. has been to

(     )39. I have to do my homework for ______ every day.

A. one and half hour       B. one and a half hour

C. one and half hours   D. one and a half hours

(    )40.–What’s the article about?

-- _________ in China.The article is worth _________.

A.Something surprising, reading  B.Something surprised, to read

C.Surprising something, reading  D.Surprised something, to read

(   )41.The rest of the fish __________by the cat.

A.was eaten      B.ate      C.have been eaten  D.were eaten

(   )42. She thinks the best way ________ English is ________ English magazines.

A. to learn, read  B. to learn, by reading  C. learn, reading D. learning, read

(   )43. -- I’m not allowed to go out on school nights.


A. So am I        B. Neither am I   C. So I do        D. Will be

(   )44. —When are you going to have your hair           ?

—This afternoon.

A. cut               B. to cut        C. cutting       D. be cut

(   )4 5. Not only          Chinese, but           English.

A. she speaks; does she know  B. does she speak; does she know

C. she speaks; she know    D. does she speak;she knows

第二节: 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his    46

all the time, watering and fertilizing them.

One day a young man went by the    47   . He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining(想象) how happy he could be    48   he lived in such a beautiful place.

Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was   49  . He was very surprised about

this and asked, "You can't see these flowers.   50   are you busy taking care of them every day?"

The old man smiled and said "I can tell you four   51  . First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second,   52   I can't see these flowers, I can touch them.  53  , I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that's   54  ."

"Me? But you don't know me, " said the young man.

"Yeah, it's   55   that I don't know you. But I know that flowers are angels that everybody   56  . We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us. "

The blind man's work opened our eyes and   57   our hearts, which also made his life   58  . It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn't   59   his wonderful music, but his music has   60   millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn't it one kind of happiness?

(   )46.A. flowers      B. trees          C. vegetables       D. grass

(   )47.A. balcony      B. kitchen        C. garden          D. study

(   )48.A. after         B. as            C. before           D. if

(   )49.A. blind         B. famous        C. smart           D. friendly

(   )50.A. What        B. Who          C. Why            D. Which

(   )51.A. stories      B. reasons        C. excuses        D. conclusions

(   )52.A. though      B. since          C. because         D. unless

(   )53.A. First         B. Second        C. Third          D. Fourth

(   )54.A. me          B. you           C. my mother       D. my son

(   )55.A. true         B. hard          C. cool            D. fair

(   )56.A. greets       B. doubts        C. meets           D. knows

(   )57.A. broke        B. hurt           C. pleased         D. treated

(   )58.A. emptier      B. busier         C. luckier         D. happier

(   )59.A. write        B. hear            C. play           D. believe

(   )60.A. changed      B. affected         C. discovered      D. encourage


