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The world outdoors is full of secrets. They are so interesting that quite a lot of people are busy ___1___ them. All ___2___ us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be.

Do you know that one of the great presidents of the USA spent hours and hours studying birds? A businessman who lives near New York City became so interested in insects that he began to ___3___ them. He now has over one thousand different kinds carefully kept in glass boxes. w

Come then ___4___ me, and I will help you find some of nature’s secrets. Let’s go quickly __5__ the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit ___6___ the other rabbits that there is danger. We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones as they search for food and get ready for their long winter ___7___. We shall watch bees dancing in air to let the other bees know where they can find food. I will show you ___8___ interesting things, but the best thing that I can teach you is to keep your eyes ___9___ when you go ___10___. Nature tells her secrets only to people who look and listen carefully.

1. A. looking for B. keeping C. studying D. learning

2. A. about B. around C. among D. besides

3. A. kill B. catch C. collect D. keep

4. A. along B. into C. at D. with

5. A. through B. over C. into D. on

6. A. says B. tells C. asks D. speaks

7. A. rest B. trip C. holiday D. sleep

8. A. other many B. many other C. some others D. much other

9. A. open B. closed C. listening D. big

10. A. into B. inside C. between D. out


