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(    )67. Where did Mr. Perry have lunch that day?

A. In a restaurant.                B. In his work place.

C. At home.                         D. No one knows.

(    )68. What did Mr. Perry eat for lunch?

A. Fish.                 B. Potatoes and peas.            C. Rice.          D. Both A & C.

(    )69. Which of the following is RIGHT?

A. Mr. Perry ate the tin of fish and fell ill.

B. Mrs. Perry bought the tin of fish for a lot of money.

C. Mr. Perry was not sure if the tin was good enough.

D. Mr. Perry didn’t know how to eat tin food.

(    )70. Which is the instruction on the tin packaging of real fish product?

A. Open this tin and stand in hot water for five minutes.

B. Open tin and stand in hot water for five minutes.

C. Open this tin and stand it in hot water for five minutes.

D. Open this tin and stand in hot water for a short time.

VII. 书面表达(共10分)

71. 观察图画并写出描述熊猫的文段。

提示:四川省:Sichuan Province



