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1、暴风雨 n. 2、闹钟n

3、开始v 4、在很大程度上,大量地adv

5、开始(过去时)v 6、快的;迅速的adj

7、突然;忽然adv 8、奇特的;奇怪的adj

9、风n   10、光;光线;光亮

11、报道;公布v.& n. 12、地域;地区

13、木;木头 14、窗;窗户

15、火柴     16、敲打;打败v

17、倚;碰;撞prep 18、塔;塔楼n

19、生气;增加;提高v&n 20. 倒下的;落下的adj

21、覆盖着冰的;冰冷的adj 22、开玩笑,欺骗v

23、理解;领会;认识到v 24、章节;段落n

25、学生n    26、彻底地;完全地adv

27、惊愕的;受震惊的adj 28、不久前;最近adv

29、恐怖主义者;恐怖分子n 30、日期;日子n

31、实情;事实n 32、首先;最初

33、(闹钟)发出响声   34、接电话

35、进入梦乡;睡着  36、逐渐变弱;逐渐消失

37、看一看          38、前往;费力地前进

39、沉默、无声   40、拆除;往下拽;记录






Ben could hear _____ ______ (大风) outside his home in Alabama. Black clouds were making the sky very dark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. The news on TV ______ (报导) that a heavy rainstorm was in the ______ (地区).

Everyone in the neighborhood was busy. Ben’s dad was putting ______ ___ ____(一块块木头) over the windows while his mom was _____ ____(确保) the flashlights and radio wre working. She also put some candles and matches on the table.

Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain ______ __ _____ _______ _______ (开始重重敲打)  the windows. After dinner, they ____ ___ (试着)play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a _______(严重)storm happening outside.

Ben could not sleep __ _____(起初). He finally ___ _____(睡着) when the wind was ______ ______ (逐渐减弱)at around 3:00 a.m. When he woke up, the sun was _____(升起). He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood ____ __ ____(一片狼藉). _____(倒下的) trees, ______(破碎) windows and rubbish were everywhere. They ______(加入) the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together. ________(尽管)the storm broke many things apart, it ________ (带来,促使) families and neighbors closer together.

Do You Remember What You Were Doing?

People often remember what they were doing when they _____(听到) the news of important events in history. In America, ___ ______(例如), many people remember what they were doing ____(在) April 4, 1968. This was an important event in American histroy. On this day, Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. Although some people may not remember who killed him, they remember what they were doing when they heard the news.

Robert Allen is now over 50, but he was a school ______(学生) at that time. “I was at home with my parents,” Robert remembers. “We were _______ ________(吃晚饭)in the ________(厨房) when we heard the news ___ ___ ______(在收音机中). The news reporter said, ‘Dr. King ____(去世) just 10 minutes ago’. My parents were ________ ______(完全被震惊了)! My parents did not talk after that, and we ________(完成)the rest of our dinner __ ______(在沉默中). ”

More ________(最近), most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was ____ ____ (被拆除)by terrorists. Even the _____(日期) —— September 11, 2001 —— has meaning to most Americans.

This was a day Kate Smith will never ______(忘记). She remembers working in her office near the two _______(塔). “My friend shouted that a plane just hit the World Trade Center! I didn’t believe him ___ ______(起初), but then I looked out the window and _______ (意识到)that it was true. Iwas so scared that I could ________ (几乎不) think clearly after that.”





