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(1)1.He ___________(扫)the floor after school yesterday.   2. You mustn't  ____________(借) these books to others.

3. Look, the little child is____________(微笑)at you!   4. Tony _____________(射击)at the goal, but he failed  again .

5. What is the______________(人口)of your city, Emily?

6. Linda was ill,so I attended the meeting i___________  of her.  7. There are twenty m_________ in our football club.

8.I feel a little w________.I need to rest.   9. The mother monkey gave b___________ to a baby monkey yesterday.

10. The trousers are neither too long nor too short.  They f ____________ me well.

(C)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。{plan,Sure, careful,past,health}

Don't be a couch potato. Make 11.____that  you take plenty of exercise. People aren't as active  now as they were in the 12.____.It's important to eat a healthy diet. Eat fresh vegetables and don't eat  fast food. Stay safe in the town by crossing the road

13.__________ .Stay safe in the countryside. When you go out walking, go with someone, or tell someone  where you are 14._______to go and when you will retum. Say "no" to cigarettes and drugs: Smoking   and taking drugs are bad for your 15._______.If you  follow these, you will live a long and healthy life.

(2) 1. Your ________(牙齿)are bad. You should go to see a dentist.    2.I lost all my___________(感觉)in my feet after sitting before the computer for a long time.     3. The new skirt_______________(属于)to my sister.

4. Dale likes to____________(收集)telephone cards.     5. There are a lot of__________(珍宝)in the Palace  Museum.

6. The kind man always r___________ money to help the homeless children.  7. Which of the following s________ means "'No

Smoking"?   8.  Jack and his friends went to  an i_____________by boat  last weekend.

9. Miss Green walked t__________the station without saying anything.

10. She worked ve ry  hard this term and made good  p__________ in English.

(C)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。(for,they,keep, clever, animal )

A dog is akind of animal. It often lives with people at home. It's one of the most popular pet 11._______.Many people Iike to keep a dog because   it is 12._________ and it can understand them. People feed the dog and build a house for   it . Dogs can do lots of things for people.  In cities, people 13.________a dog not only for pleasure, but also for safety. In  the country, farmers    like to keep dogs 14.__________pleasure, too. Besides, some of the dogs can help farmers to look after  animals such as sheep and pigs.

Dogs are our friends, and we must take good care of 15.__________

(3) 1. Our team played with great___________(勇气).2. Do you realize the____________(重要性)of this  question?

3. Do you have any____________(困难)with English?4. You can________________(达到)these goals for yourself.

5. She loves____________(当代的)music.6. You don't look happy. What's your t________, Li Bing?

7. The old man is b___________in the left eye, so he sees  only with his right eye.

8.I got up at seven and went to school as early as u___________  9. He is a new student. He will i __________ himself to   us .

10. When s_________ comes. The trees turn green and  the flowers come out.   .

(C)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。(make , interest , try , tell , speak))

When leaming English, one should first pay attention to listening and speaking. You'd better11. ________your best to speak while you do much listening. But if you 12.________ mistakes, don't worry. If you want to find your mistakes, a good way is to keep a diary or write letters. You can ask others to see what you write and 13________ you what is wrong. Many mistakes will be easily found when you

write .       If  you are slow in 14.__________, don't worry. The best way is reading. One important thing is to choose  something 15. ___________ to read. It mustn't be too difficult for you.

(4) 1. Hainan Province lies in the_________(南方的)part  of China..   2.I'll  discuss it with you________(不论何时)you like.

3. The flu is spreading quickly_________(在…之中)people these days.   4.My sister works as a_________护士,in a hospital.

5.I know that China has the biggest__________  (人口) in the world.

6. The pictures r_______ me of my school days.  7.It was twelve o'clock at night, but he was still a__________

8. The old man is d__________.He can't hear anything at all.   9. -What's the m_________with you, Sam?  -I have a headache.I must stay in bed.

10.一I didn't volunteer to clean the park this Sunday.  -N _________did  I ,I stayed at home and helped my mother do the housework.


