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好了,现在我们在攻克词类的最后一个堡垒--连词。连词更好对付了,我们只讲几个常考  的词组就可以了。


both ...and:表示"两者都...".注意:当both...and 连接主语时,后面动词一般要用复数。如:Both

Lily and Lucy are right.

not only... but also: "不仅...而且..."。注意:后面动词采用就近原则,与but also后的词保持一致。

如:Not only my parents but also my brother likes the cat.

either...or:"或者...或者..."。注意谓语动词采用就近原则。如:Either you or I am wrong.

neither...nor:"既不...也不..." 是 "either...or" 的否定形式。谓语动词采用就近原则,与nor后的

词保持一致。  如:Neither you nor he is right.

or的用法: 意思为"否则"。如:I must work hard, or I'll fail in the exam.(我必须好好学习,否则


So easy, not difficult at all! OK! Let's come to our 趁热打铁。


1. _________ John _______I are policemen.

A. Neither ... nor

B. Either ... or

C. Both ... and

D. Not only... but also

2. Mr Smith teaches ______well ______ his lessons are not easily forgotten.

A. very ... that

B. quite ... but

C. so ... as

D. so ... that

3. He didn't go to sleep ______he finished his homework.

A. till

B. before

C. after

D. until

4. I didn't buy the dictionary yesterday ________ my aunt would give me one.

A. until

B. because

C. if

D. before

5. The runner fell _______ he quickly got up and went on running.

A. or

B. and

C. but

D. down

6. Wait for me in the room _______ I come back.

A. until

B. and

C. so

D. or

7. I'll return the books to the library ______ soon as possible.

A. as

B. so

C. just

D. but

8. Go along the road, _______ you'll find the market at the end of it.

A. when

B. and

C. or

D. though

9. You'll be late ______ you don't get up early tomorrow morning.

A. if

B. when

C. before

D. until

10. It was late. She washed her face ______ went to bed.

A. or

B. and

C. so

D. but

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