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查理·卓别林(Charlie Chaplin,1889年4月16日-1977年12月25日),生于英国伦敦,英国影视演员、导演、编剧。




I love tragedy. Because of the tragedy, I often have something beautiful and beautiful, so I love tragedy. "


"All the parks are traumatic for me, how cold and quiet it is, and if people do not feel lonely they will not go to the park, the symbol of sadness is the park, but I am obsessed with the park. I am lonely, and I am willing to be alone. "


"All the greatest achievements in history have been made by triumphing over things that seem impossible."





贪婪毒害了我们的灵魂,仇恨阻碍了世界的发展,使我们正步迈向苦难与血海。我们追求得速度,却把自己醉锁在内;机械带给我们产物丰裕,却使我们沉沦于欲海。知识使我们愤世嫉俗,而才智使我们冷酷无情。我们想得太多,感受太少。比起机器,我们更需要爱。 比起才智,我们更需要仁慈慷慨。没有这些品格,人生会变得残暴不仁,一切意义都将失去。


Famous scientist Albert Einstein also highly praises Chaplin movies. Once, he wrote in a letter to Chaplin:

"Your movie," Modern Times, "can be understood by everyone in the world and you will become a great man."

In his reply, Chaplin wrote: "I admire you even more, no one in your theory of relativity can understand it, but you have become a great man."

Sorry, I do not want to be an emperors, it is with me. I have no intention to rule or conquer anyone, I just want to do my best to help everyone, whether Jewish, non-Jewish, black, or white. We all need to help each other, so human nature. We all need to rely on others' happiness to live instead of relying on the suffering of others. We do not need to hate and despise anyone. Everyone in this world can enjoy its own world. The beautiful Earth has abundant resources to meet the needs of all people. Life is free and happy, but we have lost our way to that place.

Greed has poisoned our souls, hatred has hampered the development of the world so that we are moving toward misery and blood. We pursue the speed, but his drunk locked inside; machinery to give us abundant products, but we sink to the sea. Knowledge makes us cynical, and intellect makes us ruthless. We think too much, feel too little. We need love even more than machines. We need more kindness and generosity than wisdom. Without these qualities, life will become brutal and all its significance will be lost.

Airplanes and radios have narrowed the distance between people. The essence of these inventions is to shout for the good of mankind and to arouse the friendship of all human beings as brothers and sisters, so as to achieve greater unity. So far, my voice has spread to the ears of countless people in the world - including innumerable desperate men, women and children, as well as innocent victims persecuted and imprisoned under a system of which the nature is the same.








